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Our Mission is to create the largest social community for students of healthcare around the world in which to educate, inform and share.

The purpose of Healthgrad.com is to tell you about the exciting world of health care and all of the careers that are available. This website covers every aspect of health care employment in the US today. It is our hope that with this comprehensive health care career information in a single website, you will be able to make an informed choice about your health care career.

Health Care Job Demand Is Soaring

If you are thinking about a career in health care, you could not have chosen a better time. The US is facing a shortage of health care workers for the coming decades. The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that employment of all health care workers will increase by 19% by 2024, which is much faster than all other occupations.

This is being driven by the large number of Baby Boomers who are retiring, living longer, and wanting to stay more active. This is causing a major increase in the number of people who want health care services. Also, many current health care professionals are nearing retirement and they are exiting the workforce. All of this is great news for an aspiring health care worker.

Another factor in play in the increase in health care services demand is the recent federal health care legislation. New regulations that require health insurance require millions of new patients to get health insurance, and this also has caused a spike in demand.

What You Will Learn at Healthgrad.com

Our website has been designed to provide you with the information that you need to decide which health care career is right for you. Some of what you will learn includes:

  • Which health care careers are in the most demand. Some of the most popular careers include physician assistant, nurse practitioner, physical therapist, occupational therapist and respiratory therapist.
  • Salary comparisons for more than 675 health care professions. We also offer information about many health care subspecialties as well. Here you will find dozens and even hundreds of salary estimates for different careers. You can easily compare how much your salary will increase if you get an additional college degree, such as a Master of Science in Nursing.
  • Anticipated job growth for many health care professions. Some health care professions are growing at a very fast rate. For example, the demand for RNs is growing at 16%, which is a good growth rate. However, the demand for nurse practitioners is close to 30%. You also will learn here that the salary for a nurse practitioner is 30% more than the typical RN salary. The kind of detailed information you find here will help you to cherry pick the best health care job for you.
  • Career analyses for four major areas: direct patient care, health care facility support, imaging and diagnosis, informatics and business, and R&D.
  • All sorts of information about where you can earn your degree, either online or on campus. We have many profiles of online and campus based universities where you can earn your associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s and even doctoral degree. We also inform you about how you can get your degree paid for; we provide information on many scholarships and grants that are available to aspiring health care industry workers.

We also will explain to you the advantages of choosing a health care career. What it usually comes down to is this: You will enjoy high job demand, a good salary, and you will be able to help others.

For instance, according to the information on our site, the nursing field has a median salary of $67,000 per year. If you are an RN with a bachelor’s degree, you can expect to earn that wage after a few years of working. But if you get your master of science in nursing and become a clinical nurse specialist or nurse practitioner, you can earn $90,000 per year or more.

And job demand for some of these fields is amazing. For physician assistants, expect an increase of job demand of at least 30% by 2024.

Job demand in health care is high in most parts of the country, so you will be able to largely choose where you want to live and how much you want to be compensated. For most health care fields, you should be able to find good employment in most major US cities. You also may find even more demand in some rural and inner city areas that are typically underserved.

Getting Published

Do you have an article you would like to have published? An article you think other healthcare minded folks would like to read? Would you like to discuss something unique about your profession? Healthcare provides paid publishing opportunities for for all healthcare professionals. All articles are published, promoted and paid for by HealthGrad.com. We have many authors in our community who contribute regularly. For more information, please inquire within.

Interview Program

HealthGrad.com operates a totally free interview program whereby any school can discuss the details of their available programs or companies can describe their workplace. This provides future healthcare students and graduates within our community insight not available anywhere else online. This program is absolutely free and benefits include brand awareness of your school or company, mission and commitment as a leader in Healthcare as well as new visitors via a direct link to your website. This is 100% completely free opportunity. To participate in our interview program connect with us today.

See a sample interview program:

Linking Policy

Sites on healthcare, mental health, medical and more related areas are encouraged to link to us. We do not actively participate in link exchanges and do not sell links, please do not waste your time contacting us. If you have an authoritative website on a related topic, we would be more than happy to consider adding it to our site.