Alabama Ultrasound Technician Salary

This page provides you with a complete overview of the Ultrasound Technician field in the state of Alabama. Ultrasound Technician’s are also commonly referred to as Sonography or Sonographer Technicians. Here you will find statistics on salaries, careers, jobs and best cities hiring a Ultrasound Technician and more.

Average Salary of Alabama Ultrasound Tech’s

According to, Ultrasound Tech’s in Alabama showed a large number of companies posting over 18 jobs. The types of jobs posted ranged from Full-time and Part-time while the most common level of experience required for an Ultrasound Tech in Alabama job was Mid Level.

In USD as of October 25, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Alabama Ultrasound Technician $23,000 Bar high

Average Ultrasound Technician salaries for job postings in Alabama are 1% higher than average Ultrasound Technician salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Champion, Partners in Rehab, Baptist Healthcare of Alabama, Helping Hands Therapy, TriMedx, and Biosense Webster Inc. offering Full-time and Part-time with Mid Level and Entry Level required.

Additional Salaries of Ultrasound Technician’s

In this section explore additional details on common types of ultrasound tech jobs:

  1. Abdominal Sonographer
  2. Cardiac Sonographer
  3. Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
  4. Musculoskeletal Sonographer
  5. Obstetric Sonographer
  6. Pediatric Sonographer
  7. Sonography Technician
  8. Vascular Sonographer

Alabama Abdominal Sonographer
In USD as of October 25, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Abdominal Sonographer $90,000 Bar high

Average Abdominal Sonographer salaries for job postings in Alabama are 1% higher than average Abdominal Sonographer salaries for job postings nationwide. There are no employers to mention.

Alabama Cardiac Sonographer
In USD as of October 25, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Cardiac Sonographer $83,000 Bar high

Average Cardiac Sonographer salaries for job postings in Alabama are 1% higher than average Cardiac Sonographer salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were UAB Medicine, Trace Staffing, Stringfellow Memorial Hospital, and Princeton Baptist Medical Center offering with Entry Level required.

Alabama Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
In USD as of October 25, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Diagnostic Medical Sonographer $90,000 Bar high

Average Diagnostic Medical Sonographer salaries for job postings in Alabama are 1% higher than average Diagnostic Medical Sonographer salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were UAB Medicine, Marshall Medical Centers, New Leaders in Fertility & Endocrinology, LLC, East Alabama Medical Center, and Trace Staffing offering with Entry Level required.

Alabama Musculoskeletal Sonographer
In USD as of October 25, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Musculoskeletal Sonographer $80,000 Bar low

Average Musculoskeletal Sonographer salaries for job postings in Alabama are 1% higher than average Musculoskeletal Sonographer salaries for job postings nationwide. There are no employers to mention.

Alabama Obstetric Sonographer
In USD as of October 25, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Obstetric Sonographer $61,000 Bar low

Average Obstetric Sonographer salaries for job postings in Alabama are 1% higher than average Obstetric Sonographer salaries for job postings nationwide. There are no employers to mention.

Alabama Pediatric Sonographer
In USD as of October 25, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Pediatric Sonographer $80,000 Bar high

Average Pediatric Sonographer salaries for job postings in Alabama are 1% higher than average Pediatric Sonographer salaries for job postings nationwide. There are no employers to mention.

Alabama Sonography Technician
In USD as of October 25, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Sonography Technician $90,000 Bar high

Average Sonography Technician salaries for job postings in Alabama are 1% higher than average Sonography Technician salaries for job postings nationwide. There are no employers to mention.

Alabama Vascular Sonographer
In USD as of October 25, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Vascular Sonographer $90,000 Bar high

Average Vascular Sonographer salaries for job postings in Alabama are 1% higher than average Vascular Sonographer salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were UAB Medicine, Stringfellow Memorial Hospital, East Alabama Medical Center, and Cornerstone RPO offering with Entry Level required.

Top Employers of Alabama Ultrasound Tech’s

According to, there were approximately 18 jobs for a Alabama Ultrasound Technician with most employers looking for Mid Level and Entry Level candidates.

Company # Jobs Available*
Champion, Partners in Rehab 3 jobs
Baptist Healthcare of Alabama 3 jobs
Helping Hands Therapy 3 jobs
TriMedx 2 jobs
Biosense Webster Inc. 2 jobs
Birmingham Internal Medicine Associates 1 job
MedPro Healthcare Staffing 1 job
HealthActions Physical Therapy & Wellness 1 job
SkinCure Oncology 1 job

Top Cities with the Most Job Openings

According to, there were a total of 18 Ultrasound Technician jobs in Alabama.

City # Jobs Available*
Birmingham, AL 4 jobs
Livingston, AL 3 jobs
Mobile, AL 2 jobs
Montgomery, AL 2 jobs
Prattville, AL 1 job
Jasper, AL 1 job
Huntsville, AL 1 job
Jackson, AL 1 job
Fayette, AL 1 job
Vernon, AL 1 job

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*Indicates number of job postings as of October, 2016.

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Written by Robert Sanchez
Robert Sanchez is's Chief Editorialist. Robert Sanchez has over 10 years experience in the Healthcare field and more recently has become an avid writer advising on career and job topics in this exciting field.

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