Rhode Island Counselor Salary Outlook

This page provides you with a complete overview of the Counseling field in the state of Rhode Island. Here you will find statistics on salaries, careers, jobs and best cities hiring various types of counselors and more.

Average Salary of a Rhode Island Counselor

According to Indeed.com, the average salary of a Counselor was $39,000 vs the national salary of $43,000. A Counselor in Rhode Island saw a solid number of companies featuring over 143 jobs. The types of jobs posted ranged from Full-time, Part-time, Temporary, Commission, and Contract while the most common level of experience required for these jobs was Mid Level.

Rhode Island Counselor

In USD as of January 18, 2017 55k 110k 165k
Counselor $39,000 Bar high

Average Counselor salaries for job postings in Rhode Island are 9% lower than average Counselor salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers hiring Counselor’s were Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health, Family Service of Rhode Island, Arbor Associates, Acadia Healthcare, and Roger Williams Park Zoo offering Full-time, Part-time, Temporary, Commission, and Contract with Mid Level and Entry Level required.

Additional Salaries by Area

In this section explore additional details on the types of Counselors:

  1. Addiction Counselor
  2. College Counselor
  3. Genetic Counselor
  4. Guidance Counselor
  5. High School Counselor
  6. Marriage Counselor
  7. Mental Health Counselor
  8. Rehabilitation Counselor
  9. School Counselor
  10. Substance Abuse Counselor

Addiction Counselor
In USD as of January 18, 2017 55k 110k 165k
Addiction Counselor $37,000 Bar high

Average Addiction Counselor salaries for job postings in Rhode Island are 9% lower than average Addiction Counselor salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Acadia Healthcare, CODAC Behavioral Health, AdCare, Phoenix House, and Counseling & Psychotherapy Center offering Full-time and Part-time with Entry Level and Mid Level required.

College Counselor
In USD as of January 18, 2017 55k 110k 165k
College Counselor $54,000 Bar high

Average College Counselor salaries for job postings in Rhode Island are 9% lower than average College Counselor salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Roger Williams Park Zoo, Meeting Street, Boys & Girls Club of East Providence, Pawtucket School Department, and Saint Mary's Home for Children offering Full-time, Part-time, and Temporary with Entry Level and Mid Level required.

Genetic Counselor
In USD as of January 18, 2017 55k 110k 165k
Genetic Counselor $50,000 Bar high

Average Genetic Counselor salaries for job postings in Rhode Island are 9% lower than average Genetic Counselor salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Women & Infants, Lifespan, Child & Family Services of Newport County, and National Staffing Solutions, Inc. offering Full-time and Temporary with Entry Level required.

Guidance Counselor
In USD as of January 18, 2017 55k 110k 165k
Guidance Counselor $42,000 Bar high

Average Guidance Counselor salaries for job postings in Rhode Island are 9% lower than average Guidance Counselor salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Family Service of Rhode Island, Zeiders Enterprises, Inc., Westerly Public Schools, Providence School Department, and Middlebridge School offering Full-time and Part-time with Entry Level and Mid Level required.

High School Counselor
In USD as of January 18, 2017 55k 110k 165k
High School Counselor $31,000 Bar high

Average High School Counselor salaries for job postings in Rhode Island are 9% lower than average High School Counselor salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health, Arbor Associates, East Bay Community Action Program, YMCA of Greater Providence, and LANDMARK MEDICAL CENTER offering Full-time, Temporary, Part-time, and Contract with Mid Level and Entry Level required.

Marriage Counselor
In USD as of January 18, 2017 55k 110k 165k
Marriage Counselor $55,000 Bar high

Average Marriage Counselor salaries for job postings in Rhode Island are 9% lower than average Marriage Counselor salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were CODAC Behavioral Health, Seven Hills Foundation, Lifespan, and Meeting Street offering Full-time and Part-time with Entry Level and Mid Level required.

Mental Health Counselor
In USD as of January 18, 2017 55k 110k 165k
Mental Health Counselor $38,000 Bar high

Average Mental Health Counselor salaries for job postings in Rhode Island are 9% lower than average Mental Health Counselor salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health, Lifespan, The Providence Center, Seven Hills Foundation, and Women & Infants offering Full-time, Part-time, and Temporary with Mid Level and Entry Level required.

Rehabilitation Counselor
In USD as of January 18, 2017 55k 110k 165k
Rehabilitation Counselor $40,000 Bar high

Average Rehabilitation Counselor salaries for job postings in Rhode Island are 9% lower than average Rehabilitation Counselor salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Kindred At Home, Pawtucket School Department, and The State of Rhode Island offering Full-time and Part-time with Entry Level required.

School Counselor
In USD as of January 18, 2017 55k 110k 165k
School Counselor $39,000 Bar high

Average School Counselor salaries for job postings in Rhode Island are 9% lower than average School Counselor salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health, Arbor Associates, East Bay Community Action Program, Family Service of Rhode Island, and LANDMARK MEDICAL CENTER offering Full-time, Temporary, Part-time, and Contract with Mid Level and Entry Level required.

Substance Abuse Counselor
In USD as of January 18, 2017 55k 110k 165k
Substance Abuse Counselor $38,000 Bar high

Average Substance Abuse Counselor salaries for job postings in Rhode Island are 9% lower than average Substance Abuse Counselor salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Acadia Healthcare, CODAC Behavioral Health, Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health, Lifespan, and Phoenix House offering Full-time and Part-time with Mid Level and Entry Level required.

Top Employers of Rhode Island Counselors

According to Indeed.com, there were approximately 143 jobs for Rhode Island Counselors with most employers looking for Mid Level and Entry Level candidates.

Company # Jobs Available*
Lifespan 35 jobs
Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health 7 jobs
Family Service of Rhode Island 6 jobs
Arbor Associates 5 jobs
Acadia Healthcare 4 jobs
Roger Williams Park Zoo 4 jobs
CODAC Behavioral Health 3 jobs
Rhode Island Housing 3 jobs
East Bay Community Action Program 3 jobs
The Providence Center 3 jobs
Phoenix House 3 jobs
Community Care Alliance 2 jobs
Proforma 2 jobs
Life Line Screening 2 jobs
Life Line Community Healthcare 2 jobs

Top Cities with the Most Job Openings

According to Indeed.com, there were a total of 143 Counselor related jobs throughout the following cities:

City # Jobs Available*
Providence, RI 38 jobs
East Providence, RI 32 jobs
Woonsocket, RI 13 jobs
Pawtucket, RI 5 jobs
Newport, RI 5 jobs
Warwick, RI 4 jobs
Exeter, RI 2 jobs
Smithfield, RI 2 jobs
N Kingstown, RI 2 jobs
South Kingstown, RI 2 jobs
Cranston, RI 2 jobs
Bristol, RI 2 jobs
Pascoag, RI 2 jobs
West Warwick, RI 1 job

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*Indicates number of job postings as of January, 2017.