This page provides you with a complete overview of the Psychologist field in the state of New Jersey. Here you will find statistics on salaries, careers, jobs and best cities hiring a Psychologist and more.
Average Salary of New Jersey Psychologists
According to, Psychologists in New Jersey experienced a large number of companies posting over 272 jobs. The types of jobs posted ranged from Full-time, Part-time, Contract, Temporary, and Commission while the most common level of experience required for a Psychologist in New Jersey job was Mid Level.
In USD as of October 19, 2016 | 55k | 110k | 165k | |
New Jersey Psychologist | $73,000 ![]() |
Average Psychologist salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average Psychologist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Progressus Therapy, LLC, CFG Health Network, Barnabas Health, Unlocked Potential LLC, and Children's Specialized Hospital offering Full-time, Part-time, Contract, Temporary, and Commission with Mid Level, Senior Level, and Entry Level required.
Additional Salaries of Psychologists
In this section explore additional details on common types of psychology jobs:
- Child Psychologist
- Clinical Psychologist
- Community Psychologist
- Counseling Psychologist
- Forensic Psychologist
- Health Psychologist
- Organizational Psychologist
- School Psychologist
- Social Psychologist
In USD as of October 19, 2016 | 55k | 110k | 165k | |
Child Psychologist | $88,000 ![]() |
Average Child Psychologist salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average Child Psychologist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Catapult Learning, Youth Consultation Service, Kara Zlotnick, Ph.D., LLC, Saint Peter's University Hospital, and Freehold Township Schools offering Full-time, Part-time, Contract, and Temporary with Mid Level and Entry Level required.
In USD as of October 19, 2016 | 55k | 110k | 165k | |
Clinical Psychologist | $78,000 ![]() |
Average Clinical Psychologist salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average Clinical Psychologist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Rutgers University, CFG Health Network, First Children LLC, MedOptions, and CHE Psychological Services offering Full-time, Part-time, and Contract with Entry Level and Mid Level required.
In USD as of October 19, 2016 | 55k | 110k | 165k | |
Community Psychologist | $64,000 ![]() |
Average Community Psychologist salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average Community Psychologist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Rutgers University, Progressus Therapy, LLC, CHE Psychological Services, CFG Health Network, and Senior Support Network offering Full-time, Part-time, Contract, and Temporary with Entry Level and Mid Level required.
In USD as of October 19, 2016 | 55k | 110k | 165k | |
Counseling Psychologist | $61,000 ![]() |
Average Counseling Psychologist salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average Counseling Psychologist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were First Children LLC, Rutgers University, CHE Psychological Services, GenPsych Adolescent Program, and Progressus Therapy, LLC offering Full-time, Part-time, Contract, and Temporary with Entry Level and Mid Level required.
In USD as of October 19, 2016 | 55k | 110k | 165k | |
Forensic Psychologist | $84,000 ![]() |
Average Forensic Psychologist salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average Forensic Psychologist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were CFG Health Network, Rutgers University, and Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey offering Full-time and Part-time with Entry Level and Mid Level required.
In USD as of October 19, 2016 | 55k | 110k | 165k | |
Health Psychologist | $68,000 ![]() |
Average Health Psychologist salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average Health Psychologist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Rutgers University, CFG Health Network, MedOptions, GenPsych Adolescent Program, and CHE Psychological Services offering Full-time, Part-time, Contract, and Temporary with Entry Level and Mid Level required.
In USD as of October 19, 2016 | 55k | 110k | 165k | |
Organizational Psychologist | $33,000 ![]() |
Average Organizational Psychologist salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average Organizational Psychologist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Catapult Learning, KIPP New Jersey, PRA Health Sciences, Ancora Psychiatric Hospital, and Victory Bay Recovery Center offering Full-time with Entry Level required.
In USD as of October 19, 2016 | 55k | 110k | 165k | |
School Psychologist | $61,000 ![]() |
Average School Psychologist salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average School Psychologist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Progressus Therapy, LLC, Rutgers University, CFG Health Network, Catapult Learning, and Innovative Therapy Group offering Full-time, Part-time, Contract, and Temporary with Mid Level and Entry Level required.
In USD as of October 19, 2016 | 55k | 110k | 165k | |
Social Psychologist | $66,000 ![]() |
Average Social Psychologist salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average Social Psychologist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were MedOptions, GenPsych, Progressus Therapy, LLC, Therapeutic Outreach, Inc., and Gateway Foundation offering Full-time, Part-time, Contract, and Temporary with Entry Level and Mid Level required.
Top Employers of New Jersey Psychologists
According to, there were approximately 272 jobs for a New Jersey Psychologist with most employers looking for Mid Level, Senior Level, and Entry Level candidates.
Company | # Jobs Available* |
Rutgers University | 27 jobs |
GenPsych Adolescent Program | 10 jobs |
Progressus Therapy, LLC | 8 jobs |
CFG Health Network | 7 jobs |
Barnabas Health | 7 jobs |
Unlocked Potential LLC | 7 jobs |
Children's Specialized Hospital | 6 jobs |
Princeton HealthCare System | 6 jobs |
PRIDE Health, LLC | 6 jobs |
First Children LLC | 5 jobs |
MedOptions | 5 jobs |
Genpsych | 4 jobs |
Mental Specialty | 4 jobs |
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey | 4 jobs |
Rowan University | 3 jobs |
Top Cities with the Most Job Openings
According to, there were a total of 272 Psychology jobs in New Jersey.
City | # Jobs Available* |
Newark, NJ | 30 jobs |
Jersey City, NJ | 13 jobs |
Camden, NJ | 9 jobs |
New Brunswick, NJ | 9 jobs |
Princeton, NJ | 8 jobs |
Bridgewater, NJ | 8 jobs |
Freehold, NJ | 7 jobs |
Edison, NJ | 6 jobs |
Township of Brick, NJ | 6 jobs |
Montclair, NJ | 6 jobs |
Somerset, NJ | 5 jobs |
Mount Laurel, NJ | 4 jobs |
Hackensack, NJ | 4 jobs |
Glassboro, NJ | 4 jobs |
Get More Information
- Pages – State Board of Psychological Examiners
- Psychologists : Occupational Outlook Handbook: : U.S …
- NYS Psychology:License Requirements
*Indicates number of job postings as of October, 2016.