South Dakota Psychologist Salary

This page provides you with a complete overview of the Psychologist field in the state of South Dakota. Here you will find statistics on salaries, careers, jobs and best cities hiring a Psychologist and more.

Average Salary of South Dakota Psychologists

According to, Psychologists in South Dakota experienced a large number of companies posting over 35 jobs. The types of jobs posted ranged from Full-time and Part-time while the most common level of experience required for a Psychologist in South Dakota job was Entry Level.

In USD as of October 19, 2016 55k 110k 165k
South Dakota Psychologist $51,000 Bar high

Average Psychologist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average Psychologist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Deer Oaks Mental Health Associates, Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota, LifeScape, Sanford Health, and Avera McKennan Hospital offering Full-time and Part-time with Entry Level and Mid Level required.

Additional Salaries of Psychologists

In this section explore additional details on common types of psychology jobs:

  1. Child Psychologist
  2. Clinical Psychologist
  3. Community Psychologist
  4. Counseling Psychologist
  5. Forensic Psychologist
  6. Health Psychologist
  7. Organizational Psychologist
  8. School Psychologist
  9. Social Psychologist

South Dakota Child Psychologist
In USD as of October 19, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Child Psychologist $62,000 Bar high

Average Child Psychologist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average Child Psychologist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Avera McKennan Hospital offering Full-time with Entry Level required.

South Dakota Clinical Psychologist
In USD as of October 19, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Clinical Psychologist $54,000 Bar high

Average Clinical Psychologist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average Clinical Psychologist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Deer Oaks Mental Health Associates, Indian Health Service, LifeScape, Dakota Counseling Institute, and Avera McKennan Hospital offering Full-time and Part-time with Entry Level and Mid Level required.

South Dakota Community Psychologist
In USD as of October 19, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Community Psychologist $44,000 Bar high

Average Community Psychologist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average Community Psychologist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Deer Oaks Mental Health Associates, LifeScape, Behavior Care Specialists, Inc, Avera McKennan Hospital, and Dakota Counseling Institute offering Full-time and Part-time with Entry Level and Mid Level required.

South Dakota Counseling Psychologist
In USD as of October 19, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Counseling Psychologist $43,000 Bar high

Average Counseling Psychologist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average Counseling Psychologist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Dakota Counseling Institute offering Full-time with Entry Level required.

South Dakota Forensic Psychologist
In USD as of October 19, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Forensic Psychologist $59,000 Bar high

Average Forensic Psychologist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average Forensic Psychologist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Avera McKennan Hospital offering Full-time with Entry Level required.

South Dakota Health Psychologist
In USD as of October 19, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Health Psychologist $48,000 Bar high

Average Health Psychologist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average Health Psychologist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Deer Oaks Mental Health Associates, Indian Health Service, Avera McKennan Hospital, LifeScape, and Avera Health offering Full-time and Part-time with Entry Level required.

South Dakota Organizational Psychologist
In USD as of October 19, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Organizational Psychologist $23,000 Bar high

Average Organizational Psychologist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average Organizational Psychologist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Indian Health Service and LifeScape offering Full-time with Entry Level required.

South Dakota School Psychologist
In USD as of October 19, 2016 55k 110k 165k
School Psychologist $43,000 Bar high

Average School Psychologist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average School Psychologist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Rapid City Area Schools, Avera McKennan Hospital, Crow Creek Tribal Schools, Dakota Counseling Institute, and Behavior Care Specialists, Inc offering Full-time with Entry Level and Mid Level required.

South Dakota Social Psychologist
In USD as of October 19, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Social Psychologist $46,000 Bar high

Average Social Psychologist salaries for job postings in South Dakota are 25% lower than average Social Psychologist salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Deer Oaks Mental Health Associates, Avera McKennan Hospital, and Dakota Counseling Institute offering Full-time and Part-time with Entry Level required.

Top Employers of South Dakota Psychologists

According to, there were approximately 35 jobs for a South Dakota Psychologist with most employers looking for Entry Level and Mid Level candidates.

Company # Jobs Available*
Deer Oaks Mental Health Associates 7 jobs
Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota 4 jobs
LifeScape 2 jobs
Sanford Health 2 jobs
Avera McKennan Hospital 2 jobs
Indian Health Service 2 jobs
Presentation College 1 job
Avera Health 1 job
Behavior Care Specialists, Inc 1 job
Dakota Counseling Institute 1 job
Crow Creek Tribal Schools 1 job
Rapid City Area Schools 1 job
Behavior Management Systems, Inc. 1 job

Top Cities with the Most Job Openings

According to, there were a total of 35 Psychology jobs in South Dakota.

City # Jobs Available*
Rapid City, SD 6 jobs
Sioux Falls, SD 6 jobs
Aberdeen, SD 4 jobs
Watertown, SD 3 jobs
Sisseton, SD 2 jobs
Mobridge, SD 2 jobs
Stephan, SD 1 job
Mitchell, SD 1 job
Brookings, SD 1 job

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*Indicates number of job postings as of October, 2016.