Kentucky Social Work Salary Outlook

This page provides you with a complete overview of the Social Worker field in the state of Kentucky. Here you will find statistics on salaries, careers, jobs and best cities hiring a Social Worker and more.

Average Salary of Kentucky Social Workers

According to, the average salary of a Kentucky Social Worker was $44,000 vs the national salary of $51,000. A Social Worker in Kentucky saw a large number of companies featuring over 1,102 jobs. The types of jobs posted ranged from Full-time, Part-time, Contract, Internship, Temporary, and Commission while the most common level of experience required for Social Worker jobs was Senior Level.

In USD as of September 26, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Kentucky Social Worker $44,000 Bar high

Average Social Worker salaries for job postings in Kentucky are 14% lower than average Social Worker salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Seven Counties Services, Catholic Health Initiatives, KentuckyOne Health, Always Best Care Senior Services – Louisville, and Atria Senior Living offering Full-time, Part-time, Contract, Internship, Temporary, and Commission with Senior Level, Entry Level, and Mid Level required.

Additional Salaries of Social Workers

In this section explore additional details on popular jobs within social work:

  1. Community Social Worker
  2. Family Social Worker
  3. Healthcare Social Worker
  4. Licensed Clinical Social Worker
  5. Medical Social Worker
  6. Mental Health Social Worker
  7. Psychiatric Social Worker
  8. Public Health Social Worker
  9. School Social Worker
  10. Substance Abuse Social Worker

Community Social Worker
In USD as of September 20, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Community Social Worker $44,000 Bar high

Average Community Social Worker salaries for job postings in Kentucky are 14% lower than average Community Social Worker salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were University of Kentucky, ChanceLight Behavioral Health and Education, KentuckyOne Health, Catholic Health Initiatives, and Commonwealth of Kentucky offering Full-time, Part-time, Contract, Temporary, Commission, and Internship with Senior Level, Entry Level, and Mid Level required.

Family Social Worker
In USD as of September 20, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Family Social Worker $45,000 Bar high

Average Family Social Worker salaries for job postings in Kentucky are 14% lower than average Family Social Worker salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were University of Kentucky, St. Elizabeth Healthcare, Commonwealth of Kentucky, Catholic Health Initiatives, and KentuckyOne Health offering Full-time, Part-time, Contract, Internship, and Commission with Senior Level, Entry Level, and Mid Level required.

Healthcare Social Worker
In USD as of September 20, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Healthcare Social Worker $51,000 Bar high

Average Healthcare Social Worker salaries for job postings in Kentucky are 14% lower than average Healthcare Social Worker salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were St. Elizabeth Healthcare, University of Kentucky, KentuckyOne Health, Catholic Health Initiatives, and HealthBridge offering Full-time and Part-time with Entry Level and Mid Level required.

Licensed Clinical Social Worker
In USD as of September 20, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Licensed Clinical Social Worker $53,000 Bar high

Average Licensed Clinical Social Worker salaries for job postings in Kentucky are 14% lower than average Licensed Clinical Social Worker salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were HealthBridge, Seven Counties Services, MedOptions, Kindred Healthcare, and Forefront Dermatology offering Full-time, Part-time, Contract, and Internship with Entry Level, Mid Level, and Senior Level required.

Medical Social Worker
In USD as of September 20, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Medical Social Worker $46,000 Bar high

Average Medical Social Worker salaries for job postings in Kentucky are 14% lower than average Medical Social Worker salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Catholic Health Initiatives, KentuckyOne Health, University of Kentucky, Kindred Healthcare, and Childcare Network offering Full-time, Part-time, and Contract with Entry Level and Mid Level required.

Mental Health Social Worker
In USD as of September 20, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Mental Health Social Worker $49,000 Bar high

Average Mental Health Social Worker salaries for job postings in Kentucky are 14% lower than average Mental Health Social Worker salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were MedOptions, KentuckyOne Health, Catholic Health Initiatives, Bon Secours Health System, and HealthBridge offering Full-time, Part-time, and Contract with Entry Level, Senior Level, and Mid Level required.

Psychiatric Social Worker
In USD as of September 20, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Psychiatric Social Worker $59,000 Bar high

Average Psychiatric Social Worker salaries for job postings in Kentucky are 14% lower than average Psychiatric Social Worker salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Bon Secours Health System, Mercy Health, Catholic Health Initiatives, MedOptions, and KentuckyOne Health offering Full-time, Part-time, and Contract with Entry Level, Mid Level, and Senior Level required.

Public Health Social Worker
In USD as of September 20, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Public Health Social Worker $48,000 Bar high

Average Public Health Social Worker salaries for job postings in Kentucky are 14% lower than average Public Health Social Worker salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Catholic Health Initiatives, KentuckyOne Health, Evolent Health, WellCare, and English-El Enterprises, LLC offering Full-time, Part-time, and Contract with Entry Level and Mid Level required.

School Social Worker
In USD as of September 20, 2016 55k 110k 165k
School Social Worker $41,000 Bar high

Average School Social Worker salaries for job postings in Kentucky are 14% lower than average School Social Worker salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were St. Elizabeth Healthcare, ChanceLight Behavioral Health and Education, Bright Horizons Family Solutions, Amedisys, Inc., and Childcare Network offering Full-time, Part-time, Contract, Temporary, Commission, and Internship with Senior Level, Entry Level, and Mid Level required.

Substance Abuse Social Worker
In USD as of September 20, 2016 55k 110k 165k
Substance Abuse Social Worker $44,000 Bar high

Average Substance Abuse Social Worker salaries for job postings in Kentucky are 14% lower than average Substance Abuse Social Worker salaries for job postings nationwide. The top 5 employers were Koorsen Fire & Security, Recovery Works-South Shore, Recovery Works-Elizabethtown, KentuckyOne Health, and Recovery Works-Georgetown offering Full-time, Part-time, and Internship with Mid Level and Entry Level required.

Top Employers of Kentucky Social Worker’s

According to, there were approximately 1,102 jobs for a Kentucky Social Worker with most employers looking for Senior Level, Entry Level, and Mid Level candidates.

Company # Jobs Available*
Seven Counties Services 82 jobs
Catholic Health Initiatives 70 jobs
KentuckyOne Health 70 jobs
Always Best Care Senior Services – Louisville 33 jobs
Atria Senior Living 30 jobs
TherapyTravelers 26 jobs
University of Kentucky 20 jobs
HealthSouth 20 jobs
ChanceLight Behavioral Health Therapy & Education 18 jobs
Amedisys, Inc. 17 jobs
Aegis Therapies 17 jobs
Home of The Innocents 13 jobs 13 jobs
Commonwealth of Kentucky 12 jobs
SelfRefind 11 jobs

Top Cities with the Most Job Openings

According to, there were a total of 1,102 Social Worker jobs in Kentucky.

City # Jobs Available*
Louisville, KY 68 jobs
Lexington, KY 35 jobs
Kentucky 43 jobs
Owensboro, KY 23 jobs
Ashland, KY 20 jobs

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*Indicates number of job postings as of September, 2016.